Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lunch #30

You know I don't know how the other bloggers keep up with their blogs. I always seem to fall behind. I guess I need to move it up further on the priority ladder. I decided to have K more involved in her lunch making. This is K's lunch for 11/07/12.

  • White rice w/ A-1 sauce
  • corn on the cob w/ butter
  • strawberries
  • M & M's

White rice which is one of K's favorite meals (if you can call it a meal). 

In the Mini Dipper there is a scoop of butter for K to put on her corn on the cob after a teacher microwaves it for her. Also, in the very cute tomato sauce container is A-1 sauce. The only thing K will ever put on her white rice (yuck). Underneath the sauce container is a Halloween bag of plain M & M's.

Corn on the cob (which was cut in half)

Finally we have sliced strawberries.

Well, I guess it was a good thing to have K pick her lunch out herself. She ate it all!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lunch #29

Today I overslept! Not good! I don't like to be rushed. Who does? Anyway, this is what I threw together for K's lunch today. I really need to go to the store. We are down to the bare bones of foods that K will eat. If I can just make it two more days I can go shopping on the weekend and not be rushed. I just noticed the pictures are a little dark.  Sorry about that.

K's lunch for Tuesday, November 6th, 2012:
  • Pepperoni
  • Pepper Jack cheese
  • pickles
  • strawberries
  • yogurt w/ sprinkles

I thought I was going to skewer pepperoni and pepper jack cheese on this cute little pick I recently purchased. Wrong! When I tried to roll the cheese it crumbled. So I tore it up in pieces and then made a couple of birdies to put on top of it so it didn't look so bad. Ha! Also threw in 2 pickles as an afterthought.

I sliced up a few strawberries and realized I don't have super small containers that close for things like sprinkles. Ugh! The sprinkles are for the yogurt. I didn't put them in because they start to dissolve right away and sometimes look gross. I thought it would be fun for K to put the sprinkles in the yogurt herself anyways.

All right, I have been buying a ton of yogurt for K to try hoping she likes one. She had said the Chobani Verry Berry was okay. I'll take okay. So today's lunch was the first yogurt in the lunch attempt.

Can you guess what came back home? The Chobani Verry Berry yogurt came back home with a slice of pepperoni. I asked what happened K said she took 5 bites (more like licks from the look of it) and then had to run to the restroom. She said when she came back to took 5 more bites and had to run to the restroom again. Not sure I believe that. Anyway, I think the next time I will freeze it and then send it for lunch maybe slushy yogurt might be the answer.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lunch #28

I wasn't sure this blog was going to continue last Thursday. It was such a bad week after having a pretty successful week. I just got so frustrated that K is moving backwards with her eating habits instead of forward. I had told K I was not going to make lunches anymore. I told her she would have to buy the school lunch now everyday whether she wanted it or not. Oh, she pitched a fit. "BUT I DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY MAKE!", she wailed.  I told her what difference does it make...you don't eat my lunches and you won't eat their lunches. She really didn't have an excuse so I thought to myself if she can't answer me this why should I bother. I was done as of Thursday making lunches and blogging. I figured if I didn't blog no one would miss me but my one follower (dear hubby). 

Well, over the weekend I won a giveaway I had entered over at What's In Our Lunch Bags for a 3 months subscriptions to MOMables. I have so wanted to try MOMables but haven't because K is so selective (our new word for picky). 

I also received an email from the dietitian K saw a couple of weeks ago. In it, she offered to put K in this study with 2 other 8 year old girls who were also selective eaters. Oh my, how great would that be to get K in there. We are waiting to hear if our insurance will cover the weekly visits.  

I was pleasantly surprised to get 3 more followers to my blog. To my 3 new followers...Hello and I hope you will feel free to comment and give advice on my selective eater. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Finally, when K saw the school lunch menu she had a meltdown and practically begged me to continue to make lunches for her. I told her only if she eats it all. Now some of you are probably thinking she will just toss out what she doesn't eat but K is very honest when it comes to this and will not throw food out at school. I have put a candy in her lunch and told her she couldn't eat it if she didn't finish everything else first and bet your bottom dollar that candy came home with her unfinished lunch. So without further delay here is K's lunch for today.

K's lunch for Monday, November 5th, 2012:
  • rice with A-1 sauce
  • corn on the cob
  • Jell-o
  • goldfish pretzels
  • fruit leather

K loves white rice but not with soy sauce like the rest of the world. This girl puts A-1 steak sauce on it. It is the grossest thing I have ever tasted. But that is what she likes. I have never given her rice before because all we had was a Planetbox and you can't microwave steel. Well, you could but you wouldn't want to. So K took her Laptop Lunch section and asked a teacher to microwave it for her. Yay! 

Also, new to lunch was some corn on the cob. K loves corn on the cob. She asked a teacher to microwave this too for 30 seconds. I forgot to give her a little butter on the side to put on the corn but I had butter it before packing. Anyways, a nice teacher gave her a side of butter for it.

Jell-O is also new to lunch but also new to K. We were at the store the other day and asked to try Jell-O. I said sure pick a flavor. She picked lime and over the weekend we made Jell-O gingerbread men. Haha Above is what was left of one of them after trying to get it out of the Jell-O mold. I just researched it and see that you should dip the mold in warm water to be able to get them successfully. I will try that tomorrow. K loved the lime Jell-O and has almost eaten all that we made.  Bill Cosby would be proud. I guess I just dated myself by mentioning Bill Cosby. Oh well! 

So, I ordered silcone muffin cups the other day and when they came was surprised to find they were mini. Haha! Note to self read description thoroughly before ordering. I decided to keep them. This one is filled with goldfish pretzels. Besides them is a Trader Joe's fruit leather punched into zeros. Why zeros? I don't know. Honestly I was running late this morning and it was the first thing I grabbed.

For the closer, K left her lunch bag at school. I noticed as soon as she got in the 2013 Nissan Altima rental car I've had for a few days (soon to be returned) that she was lunch bag-less. We didn't have time for her to go get it I had 14 minutes to get her across town for annual doctor's appointment. However, I did ask her how much she ate and she said, "All of it! So you have to make me lunch again tomorrow." I chuckled to myself.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lunch #27

Okay, now we are caught up. This was today's lunch. I can't believe Halloween is over now. But I believe it when I got home from work. My husband had already took down the Halloween flag in front of our house and put out the Thanksgiving one. It reminded how quickly the rest of this year is going to fly by with the Holidays.

K's Thursday lunch:
Crackers, pepperoni and cheese
yogurt covered pretzels
laffy taffy from last night

I cut up the baby carrots to make them more bite sized.

Sliced strawberries with a cute new pick I got.

Crackers, pepperoni and pepperjack chili cut cheese, yogurt preztels and K's favorite Laffy Taffy.

Well, I just realized I haven't looked in her lunchbox which is the first thing I usually do when we get home. But today, I feel like she has won the war. I asked her when she got in the car, "How was lunch?"  She said, "You won't like it. I didn't eat it." WHAT? These are the things she likes; the only things she will eat. I hate wasting all this food, time and energy. Hold on! I am going to go look in the lunchbox right now and see how bad it really is. Okay, I am back. She ate all the pepperoni and cheese, all but 2 crackers, all the yogurt pretzels and the laffy taffy. She left the carrots (I'll tell you why in a second). Maybe ate half the strawberries. Back to the carrots: She told me she doesn't like carrots anymore either now. UGH!!!!! Why is she eliminating food from her menu without adding new ones to replace it. I got so mad when she told me that that I said I was done. No more lunches. She will have to buy school lunches from now on. K said she doesn't like them. I said you don't eat mine so what's the difference. She was buys on Fridays because it is pizza day. We will see what happens on Monday. Good Night and have a Wonderful Weekend.


We also received our order of Easy Lunchboxes. I was a little kid jumping for joy. Now we have 3 different brands of lunchboxes to switch between and I don't have to spaz too much when K leaves her lunchbox at school. I tried to be creative and copied other with the mummy sandwich.

K's Halloween lunch:
Mummy Pepperoni sandwich
piece of dark chocolate candy

Baby carrots with a witch's finger. I thought even though they are the wrong color the carrots look a little like witch's fingers too.

Sliced strawberries with a Rest In Peace sign.

And the very cute mummy sandwich I have seen on so many other blogs. K doesn't like her cheese in her sandwich so I thought this was perfect.  She could eat the strips off and then eat the sandwich. I made the circle with a sandwich press from Pampered Chef. The sandwich is pepperoni with mustard.

Well, everything came home but the sandwich. It looked like the carrots and strawberries were hardly touched.

Lunch #25

So now we move on to Tuesday. I was rushed, tired and frustrated after Monday's lunch returning home almost untouched so I grabbed the Planetbox. It wasn't until after I took the pictures that I realized I didn't use any picks or anything.  I grab a few and stuck them in as an afterthought.

K's Tuesday snack:
mini bag of Popcorn

K's Tuesday lunch:
Sliced yellow bell peppers
Sliced strawberries
Yogurt covered pretzels
Pepperoni and Pepperjack Cheese roll-ups with mustard

K's sliced yellow bell peppers. She will eat yellow, red and orange but not the green ones because they taste like dirt. Haha!

K doesn't like yogurt but she will eat yogurt covered pretzels. I have been buying a ton of different yogurts and having her try them to see if this yogurt is something we can add to her menu but so far it is a no go.

K recently decided she no longer like bread so we are using tortillas. I think I talked about that in a previous post.

And how can you go wrong with strawberries.

 Nothing special about this lunch except the fact that I expected her to eat it. AND she didn't. She said the roll-ups got all messed up in the Planetbox and looked gross so she didn't eat it. WHAT? Come on, just put it back together.

Lunch #24

 This week as been a week from hell! It had such great potential though. I thought it was going to be awesome week. I received our brand new laptop lunch box (review to come later after we've used it a few times). I thought this was going to open a whole new level of possibilities for K. Now she would be able to microwave certain items. This is her first lunch in her laptop lunch box on Monday. I tried to make it a Halloween lunch.

In this lunch K has:
Cucumber pumpkins slices
Sliced strawberries
Goldfish pretzels
one of her favorites pasta with butter and salt. (With the lid off it can be microwaved and butter will melt; just the way K likes it).

I used a pumpkin cutter from a set I purchased from Pampered Chef (my favorite place to shop). We also have an eyeball pick from All Things for Sale. K decided today that she no longer likes cucumbers. UGH! I thought we had a break-through; no it was a break-down.

Sliced strawberries with a ghost pick.

One of K's favorite meals is plain pasta with melted butter and salt. I purchased the laptop specifically because it was sectioned and microwavable so you don't have to microwave the whole thing you could just take a section and pop it in the microwave.

And Goldfish pretzels with a witch's finger.

I thought this was the perfect lunch for K and that it would be all gobbled (I know, wrong holiday) up when I picked her up from school. Can I tell you I almost cried when I opened her laptop. It had hardly been touched. I asked what happened but you know 3rd graders. I get I don't know and a shrug of shoulders. After a little pressing this is when I was told K doesn't like cucumbers anymore. I say, "Okay, but what about the rest of the lunch?" I got it was fine. "SO WHY DIDN'T YOU EAT IT?" I scream in my head. UGH! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Break Through? Maybe.

Today of course was not a school day. Today was a busy day filled with soccer and a Harvest Festival at a local church. However, between soccer and the Harvest Festival I had to make lunch for K and her best friend M who is spending the weekend. M is a fantastic eater and even eats things I won't eat like mushrooms and sushi. EW! I watch her eat and just wish K would eat as well as M does. Well, whenever M is here she is always reduced to eating the same boring foods that K is. I had never really thought to make her anything different before yesterday. But yesterday, I thought to myself am I really going to feed this poor child who can eat anything something off of K's menu? NO! So, I thought and thought. Hmm! Then it came to me! Both girls are huge fans of iCarly so why don't I make spaghetti tacos for lunch. K will only eat pasta with butter sauce and salt. As a baby she did eat spaghetti sauce and we have proof of it. I couldn't make up my mind on just one. 

 We recently visited a dietitian who suggested letting K pick out the pasta sauce and have her stir in just enough to make her spaghetti pasta red. Today, we used Barilla spaghetti pasta and Ragu sauce flavored with meat. No big chucks of tomato or anything just enough to give the noodles color for K. Well, she did it grudgingly. M and I mixed up the rest of the sauce and pasta real good so we got the yummy chucks. You know I am new to this whole blogging thing and didn't think to take a picture for the blog. Really I wasn't even thinking about blogging about this until I sat down at my computer and what a big step this was for K and I wanted it down in writing. Anyway, SHE ATE IT! M said it was very good. I was so happy. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lunch #23

Oh my, do I need to go shopping we are out of just about everything. Hopefully, I can find time to stop by the grocery store tomorrow. It is going to be a busy weekend. I have fridays off so I am volunteering to help set-up the book fair tomorrow. Tomorrow night I will be scooping up a second child for the weekend. K's best friend M. Then we will be off to Family Fun Night (Halloween Party) at K's school. Anyway, back to today's sad lunch. It was a yellow day I guess.

K's snack:
-Cheetos Flaming Hot Limon (Daddy bought them for her.)

Her lunch:
-crackers and pepperoni
-Dole's pineapple
-sliced yellow peppers
-string cheese
-3 Gummi Bears

K doesn't like many things but she loves her bell peppers (no green please.)

String Cheese with a spoon. The spoon is for the pineapple but it fit so well with the cheese that is where it ended up.

These crackers and pepperoni are from the Hormel snack pack minus the cheddar cheese. K doesn't like cheddar cheese (makes me wonder if she was switched at birth). ;)

Dole pineapple cubes drained and rinsed.

HOPE you all have a happy Friday tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lunch #22

I don't have much to say today so on with K's lunch.

For her recess snack:
Oats 'n Honey granola bar

In this lunch is:
-Pineapple and strawberries
-Yogurt covered pretzels
-Pepperoni/mozzarella sandwiches
-Gummy Bears 

K saw a dietitian on Monday. K had liked carrots up until the last time I gave them to her in her lunch. The dietitian got it out of K that she no longer liked them because she got one that was so hard to bite she thought she was going to break her teeth. The dietitian suggested slicing them up so they were easier to bite into. So that is what I did this morning. I asked K after school if that helped and she said yes it did. Hmm!

The strawberries were fresh and the pineapple is Dole's. I drained the syrup and rinsed them in water and patted them dry. I stuck the cute Panda pick in the strawberries so K wouldn't have to use her hands to touch the fruit.

K's sandwiches are from a punch/press. Now that I have learned you are suppose to punch everything out individually and then make your sandwich they came out much nicer. The sandwiches are pepperoni, mozzarella on white whole wheat bread with mustard. In the middle are three flowers cut from a fruit strip with my veggie cutter.

Here are some yogurt pretzels. K won't eat yogurt but she will eat yogurt pretzels. haha

And this is what came home uneaten. UGH!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Review of the Planetbox Rover System

Since K bought lunch today I decided I (we) would review her Planetbox Rover Complete System. I have to tell you a friend of mine first purchased and turned me on to the Planetbox. My friend J is very green and wanted to make no waste lunches for her 2 kids. I believe she purchased 2 systems a year + ago and still has not used them because she is afraid her kids will lose them. Oh wait...back to me and K. It took me a good 6 months before I made the plunge. The cost is very scary unless you are made of money which I am not but some times think I am. ;) If you read my very first post you know K is a very picky eater. I thought the Planetbox would help me put together healthier lunches that were easy for K to eat.

K picked the perfectly pink Carry Bag with the groovy magnets. 

The Planetbox fits perfectly in the carry bag even when open. We put the ice pack in that black mesh area you can see in the picture below on your left.

It comes with a big dipper (left) and a little dipper (right) for wet foods.

We paid extra for the fork and spoon. K has used the fork once.

Compartment #1 is for your main dish. See the 4 raised bumps that is where you would put the big dipper if your main dish is a wet food like yogurt.

Compartment #2 is for fruits.

Compartment #3 is (where the little Planetbox symbol is) for a small dessert.

 Compartment #4 is for vegetables (see the raised 4 bumps that is where you would put the little dipper maybe filled with Ranch for the veggies).

Last, is the compartment #5. You could put pretzels, string cheese, chips or Pocky sticks in there.

So after about 2 months of using the Planetbox Complete Rover system here is what K and I found:

K's review
    Pros:                        Cons:
Food doesn't touch       too heavy
                       looks cool                    popcorn & chips get soggy 
                                                                      from condensation from ice pack

My review
Pros:                                                               Cons:
helps make healthy lunches                                price
no squashed lunches from kids stepping on it                             can't be microwaved
                    promotes waste free lunches               compartments are not leak-proof

After all is said and done I would definitely buy the Planetbox again however it would not have been my first waste-free lunch box choice. I think if I could go back I would have bought a microwaveable lunchbox first and then a Planetbox when I had the money. Actually, a Laptop Lunchbox is en route to our home now.

Please note: I am not paid by any supplier for my reviews. I have paid retail price for all products seen in my blog unless I have been lucky enough to find an online coupon or a sale.